

Followers: 33984

Popularity: 38

Genres: 5th wave emo, long island punk, modern melodic hardcore

Release Title Artist Release Date Status
Would You Miss It? (album) Koyo 2023-09-29 -1 a-tisket
Life's a Pill (single) Koyo 2023-09-07 -1 a-tisket
Dead Formats Vol. 2 (single) The Chisel 2023-08-15 -1 a-tisket
Message Like a Bomb (single) Koyo 2023-07-27 -1 a-tisket
Anthem (single) Koyo 2023-06-22 -1 a-tisket
You're On The List (minus one) (single) Koyo 2023-05-18 -1 a-tisket
Call It Off (single) Koyo 2022-07-28 -1 a-tisket
Straight North (single) Koyo 2022-03-29 -1 a-tisket
Ten Digits Away (single) Koyo 2022-03-07 -1 a-tisket
Drives Out East (single) Koyo 2021-07-06 -1 a-tisket
Short Beach Sessions (single) Koyo 2020-11-27 -1 a-tisket
Painting Words into Lines (single) Koyo 2020-03-14 -1 a-tisket